Enjoy the best design and functionality combined.

Toldos Denia S.L. is a company with 25 years of experience and professionalism in the field of textile architecture. We make great covers with spectacular designs. With our designs, we make the most of the surface to cover. to cover.


AWNINGS DENIA, S.L. has received aid amounting to 19.043,50 € 19,043.50, with file number INPYME/2021/39 for the development of the project entitled "MODERNISATION OF THE PROCESS OF DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF TEXTILE COVERINGS"for the acquisition of new equipment and specialised software, within the framework of aid to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of industrial SMEs in the footwear, ceramics, metal-mechanical, textile, toy, marble-natural stone and aggregates, wood-furniture and lighting, chemical, automotive, plastics, packaging and packaging, paper, paper and paper products sectors of the Valencian Community, wood - furniture and lighting, chemicals, automotive, plastics, packaging, paper and graphic arts, waste recovery and the emerging sectors of biotechnology, audiovisual production and video game production, within the fourth phase of implementation of the Strategic Plan for Valencian Industry 2021.

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